Monday, April 24, 2017

Let's see a week of miracles

Well this is my last full week as a missionary so do you know what that means? Baptisms! I feel so motivated to share the gospel and to help the Lord build his kingdom in Puerto Rico. I will never be able to get the chance to preach the gospel like this ever again! With that being said, we are really excited to see at least two baptisms this week. One of those will be with Elinet, a reference from the online system. Two sister missionaries contacted her while she was living in Colorado, but at that point she was already in the process of moving back to PR. They wrote down her address and sent it to us and we were able to get in contact with her the week that she returned to PR. She has seen a lot of trials in her life lately but the gospel has been able to help her deal with many of her hardships and she is excited for her baptism this Sunday!

This week I had my last District meeting and companion exchange! Yeah it still feels unreal. We took a district picture and yes, that is me being lifted up on the chair! I also really enjoyed my intercambio with the beautiful Hna. Santos from Chile. She really is so patient and loving and she and her companion have seen a lot of miracles in their area this transfer. I'm so grateful that I have been given the chance to serve as a STL and to learn from the other sisters in my zone. They are all so amazing and I can't wait to hear about their upcoming success!

Here's the pictures of the week! (last district meeting, my time in San German with Hna Santos, my pictures with Hna. Keller and Hna, Guevara, and then our ward selfie to celebrate the month mark of the baby of the Perez family).

Monday, April 10, 2017

A Week of Final Testimonies

This week was a great week!! I was able to go on exchanges with Hna Antonio from the Dominican Republic and I learned more about what it means to have gratitude for the work and have gratitude for the little things that happen each day. 

I had to give my finally testimony in two different settings this week and it was really hard! I had my final MLC meeting and I was super emotional throughout the whole thing! The spirit was so strong and at the end the 5 of us that are leaving in May, got up and gave our testimonies. It just made me realize even more how grateful I am for my mission and that the Lord has called me to serve in Puerto Rico. Yesterday was my last fast and testimony meeting as a missionary so I aprovechared (a spanglish word) and I gave my testimony. Again, I just really love my mission and the people that I get to serve each day.

Well I hope that you guys are having a great week and that you enjoy your Easter!! 

p.s.  Go look up and share the church's video that they just released for Easter.


Hna Larsen

Monday, April 3, 2017

Conference Weekend!

This conference weekend was especially meaningful to me. It was my last one!! Can you believe that? I felt like every speaker was speaking directly to me and something in each talk touched my heart. One of my favorite talks was from Elder Rasband who spoke on understanding the language of the Spirit and acting upon the first promptings that we receive. During my mission I feel like I have learned two new languages, Spanish (of course) and the language of the Gospel or the Holy Ghost. I think understanding how the Spirit speaks to you and acting upon those prompting is the most valuable skills that we can obtain is this life, it is truly blessing my life!

A cool experience that happened this week:
My companion and I were contacting on an especially hot day. We both were soooo thirsty but had long run out of water. We decided that we would just ask the next person we contacted to give us water, but of course know one would open the door to us. Hna. Josie reminded me of something that she had heard from one of my old companions from my first area. She had heard that whenever I was hungry or thirsty  while I was out working I would pray specifically to be fed dinner or be given a glass of water and within minutes someone would offer me exactly what I had prayed for. I had completely forgotten about those moments from the beginning of my mission but I decided to pray that someone would give us two cold bottles of water. Well lo and behold, at the next house that we yelled at (they don't knock on doors here) a little old man came out and in English asked if we needed anything. We asked if we could have some water and when he came out of the house he had two cold bottles of water!! I know that Heavenly Father really loves me and he really does hear my prayers!

Well I hope you guys have a great week and that you enjoy you Monday!

Les Quiero!

Hna Larsen

Here's some pictures of my conference weekend!