Last week we had transfers and I got moved to an area called Mayaguez to
be with Hna. Josie!!! It's on the opposite side of the Island than all my other
areas and I kind of feel like I'm in a completely different mission here! But
on the bright side, I'm right by the coast and this side of the island is known
for its amazing beaches... well I guess that doesn't really matter because I
can't actually visit the beach but it's still fun to know.
It was really sad saying goodbye to my other comp, Hermana Anderson! She and
I got along really well. Last Monday we decided that we wanted to do something
crazy before we split up so we decided to dye my hair white-blonde! I was
already really blonde but from the mixture of metallic water and long days in
the sun, it was starting to turn a little yellow. So yes, I am now very, very
Anyway, I now live in a house with 4 sisters, 3 of us are blonde and come
from Utah and Hermana Guevara is our cute Latina. We all get along great which is
good because the house is tiny! But I love them and I'm so excited to be a Sister Trainer Leader in the Mayaguez zone!
I hope you have a great week and that you stay warm in Utah!!
Hna Larsen
Here's some pics
from my last couple days with Hna. Anderson and my adventure in Mayaguez